
Stein Club makes endorsements for May 19 primary

Members of the Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh have announced their candidate endorsements for the May 19 primary election.

Among the group’s endorsements:

! State Rep. Ivan Itkin received the club’s unanimous endorsement for the Democratic Party nomination for governor. The club also endorsed Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky for the office of lieutenant governor on the Democratic slate.

There were no endorsements made by the club in the race for US Senate due to unsatisfactory responses received to the club’s candidates’ questionnaire from one Democratic candidate and a lack of responses from the Republican candidates, which include incumbent Arlen Specter.

! In US House District 14, the club endorsed a longtime supporter of gay and minority rights, Democratic Rep. William Coyne.

! The club unanimously endorsed Democrat Bonnie DiCarlo, who is challenging incumbent Leonard Bodack for the Democratic nomination in state Senate District 38.

! Four Democratic candidates for the Pennsylvania House also received endorsements from the Stein Club: Dan Frankel, who is running for Itkin’s vacated seat in the 23rd District; Joseph Preston Jr., 24th District; Barbara Daly Danko, 34th District; and incumbent Tom Michlovic, 35th District.

! Eight candidates for seats on the Democratic State Committee received Stein Club endorsements: Charles A. Addleman, District 37; Sandra L. Roberts, District 38; Patrick Altdorfer, District 40; and Michael F. Coyne, Marvin Leibowitz, Eric Marchbein, Claire Staples and David Wecht, all in District 43. Committee candidates run within the state Senate District in which they reside.

Members of the Stein Club sent a revised and expanded questionnaire this year to all candidates running for public office in the city of Pittsburgh as well as Allegheny County. Of 83 candidates contacted—32 Republicans and 51 Democrats—13 responded to the questionnaire. Only one respondent was a Republican.

The Stein Club will hold a Meet the Candidates wine and cheese party May 2, 2-5pm. For more information, call (412) 343-2523.

This article originally appeared in Pittsburgh’s Out. This article is preserved as a part of the Q Archives project. Please consider donating to help preserve Pittsburgh’s Queer history.