Nominations Open for New Stonewall Kickball Commissioner

Photo by Mara Rago.

Stonewall Sports Pittsburgh Kickball is seeking nominations for a new league commissioner for seasons 2023 and 2024. Both self-nominations and peer nominations are welcome.

Applicants should have previous participation in Stonewall Kickball or equivalent and justified experience with the sport and availability to be actively involved during the sport’s season and for off-season meetings and events. The application is open until Sunday, November 13 at 11:59 pm.

The new commissioner will replace outgoing Commissioner Aaron White who has served in the position for the past three years.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community at Duquesne University were concerned and fearful after a photo began circulating the student body that many initially, and inaccurately, interpreted to depict Duquesne President Ken Gormley at a Trump-hosted inauguration event for his biggest supporters. Full article link in bio. ...

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