From Halloween to Christmas

The Pittsburgh Filmmaker Behind “Amityville Christmas Vacation” Returns with Another Dark Holiday Delight

"Curtains for Christmas". Courtesy photo.

Steve Rudzinski loves Christmas—just as much as he loves horror. The local filmmaker has merged the genres in his latest horror-comedy film, “Curtains for Christmas.”

The film stars Aleen Isley as Holly, who will kill to turn her life into a Hallmark holiday movie. Isley and Rudzinski co-wrote a rom-com with some diabolical twists. 

This is not Rudzinski’s first foray into holiday-themed horror films. His previous creation, “Amityville Christmas Vacation,” showcased his unique approach to blending horror and holiday themes.

Rudzinski said, “I remember seeing ‘Army of Darkness’ when I was twelve. That’s when I knew I wanted to make movies for a living.”

He became a big fan of Sam Raimi, creator of the “Evil Dead” franchise, and the late John R. Cherry III, creator of the Ernest franchise starring the late Jim Varney. He enjoys the absurd. Rudzinski said, “I love live-action cartoons.”

Rudzinski jumped into filmmaking with both feet. Rudzinski said, “When I was younger, I got great advice. I could either take my money and go to film school or use that money to make my own movies. I’m not a student. I am a doer.”

He grabbed a camera and started shooting. Rudzinski said of his creations, “They are niche films on a micro-budget.” With his production company, Silver Spotlight Films, “Curtains for Christmas” became his sixteenth project and thirteenth feature-length film.

He has been collaborating with Isley since 2012 when she answered an ad on Craig’s List to audition for his film “Everyone Must Die.”

Steve Rudzinski as Jay. Courtesy photo.

Isley conceived of the idea while watching Christmas rom-coms with Rudzinski. Isley said, “I think the horror and comedy genres complement each other well.”

In “Curtains for Christmas,” Michael Varrati (writer of “Christmas With You,” “The Boulet Brother’s Dragula”) is the voice of Dominick, a person-sized, talking rodent who is a figment of Holly’s deranged mind. Varrati’s Dominick sounds a lot like Paul Lynde’s Templeton from “Charlotte’s Web.”

Varrati said, “When Steve offered me the opportunity to voice Dominick, I was honored. Who wouldn’t want to bring a sassy, seasonal rat to life? Also, because I’ve written so many Christmas rom-coms myself, I felt a particular kinship to the Dominick character because he’s the one who points out the silliness of certain tropes.”

Silver Spotlight films have had theatrical releases worldwide. Rudzinski said, “I’ve been to Barcelona, Prague, Brazil, and Tokyo.”

He attends several worldwide horror conventions, but his favorite conventions are closer to home. Rudzinski said, “My favorite convention is HorrorHound Weekend in Cincinnati. It’s the San Diego Comic-Con of horror.”

The 2024 HorrorHound Weekend included celebrities from various films, including Robert Englund, Cole Sprouse, Skeet Ulrich, Jason Lee, Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, and, of all people, Allan Kayser (Bubba from “Mama’s Family”), who became a horror icon with “Night of the Creeps,” “House of Forbidden Secrets,” and more.

The filmmaker also spoke highly of Cleveland’s Cinema Wasteland and Pittsburgh’s GrossFest.

Rudzinski has won many awards for his films over the years, including the Fangoria Chainsaw Award for making the “Best Amityville” with “Amityville Christmas Vacation” in 2023 and the “Best Filmmaker in Pittsburgh” in 2023.

Rudzinski, who identifies as bisexual, has cast many LGBTQ+ actors in his films. When discussing “Curtains for Christmas,” Rudzinski said, “It has a female killer as the lead as well as some positive LGBTQ+ rep with two of the featured couples (two gay men and two gay women).

Out actor Rob James played Santa Claus.  The actor said, “‘Curtains for Christmas’ was something new for me. I’ve been a ‘helping’ Santa for a couple of years on Molly’s Trolleys and have done all kinds of things in live theater, but I never thought of doing a movie! I’ve been a fan of Steve and Aileen’s work and couldn’t say no when they reached out.” He added. “It was a blast working with them.”

Varrati said, “Steve is the kind of filmmaker that I think makes the genre space special – he’s fostered a troupe of fellow creatives who are willing to come together to make the art that they want to see in the world. Indie filmmaking…especially indie horror…thrives on the individuals who consider the odds…and then do it anyway. It’s punk rock.”

Rudzinski hopes that “Curtains for Christmas” has a lot of laughs, a lot of bloodshed, and the general feelings of the Christmas season. Rudzinski, quoting Frank Cross (Bill Murray) in “Scrooged,” said, “Christmas is the one night when we all act a little nicer. We smile a little easier. We share a little more.”

Varrati added, “There are few people I know who love Christmas more than Steve – and I say that as someone who has an exhaustive background in the world of holiday films myself. When I first heard about ‘Curtains for Christmas,” I knew that – even with the film’s satirical elements – he’d approach the subject matter with reverence because he lives and breathed this holiday.”

Rudzinski is ready to share plenty of gut-busting laughter and gut-spilling special effects in “Curtains for Christmas.” 

Courtesy photo.

A Cheesy Christmas

In “Curtains for Christmas,” Holly (Aleen Isley) watches a movie within a movie, a proverbial mousetrap. “A Cheesy Christmas” is about Noelle (Sarah Brunner) and Kris (Michael Barnett), two pet rat owners who fall in love.

Isley said, “Steve and I are working on taking the movie within the movie and turning it into a feature film.” She added, “It would be a straight rom-com. No horror.”

Isley and Rudzinski both own pet rats and want to portray them in a ‘pawsitive’ light. In 2020, Silver Spotlight Films released “A Meowy Christmas Vacation.” While the film was about Christmas, time travel, and an alien invasion, it also featured two talking animals: a cat and a rat.

Isley said, “The cat and the rat were friends.” The film starred her pet rat.

Brunner said, “When Steve Rudzinski and Aleen Isley approached me about possibly working on their next film, I jumped at the opportunity before they could tell me about the project! I knew I wanted to work with them again after working on the first ‘CarousHELL’ with them in 2016 as Margot.”

Brunner said, “Silver Spotlight Films creates the kind of indie film set that people aspire to achieve: relaxed, organized, and they know how to make a damn entertaining movie. I knew this film would be just the same.”

Brunner said, “I had the luxury of sharing the screen with my good friend and talented actor Michael Barnett.”

Aleen Isley as Holly. Courtesy photo.

While Barnett had worked with Brunner before, it was Barnett’s first time working with Silver Spotlight Films and his first time working with rats.

Barnett said, “I did have to deal with one ornery co-star, though. We were doing a scene, and as the camera rolled, he ran right out of it. The director flagged him down and cajoled him back into the scene. They’d set up again, and right as ‘action’ was called, he’d flee the shot again. I never did get him to tell me what his problem was. I guess he just had to get his trailer. Then again, when I say ‘trailer,’ I mean his cage, and when I say ‘his,’ I mean a gentleman of the rodent persuasion. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met many folks with rodent-like features, but none wore it so well, nor had as kind of personality. Ultimately, they got him some Ruffles, which did the trick. I’ve never related to an animal more.”

Brunner said, “Since I started acting, I’ve always said that my goal wasn’t to be famous, just to be in a Hallmark Christmas movie. Steve made that dream a reality with ‘Cheesy Christmas,’ the movie within the movie ‘Curtains for Christmas.’”

“Curtains for Christmas ” is available on Amazon Prime Video now.

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Michael Buzzelli is a stand-up comedian and sit-down author. As a comedian, he has performed all around the country, most notably, the Ice House, the Comedy Store and the Improv in Los Angeles. As a writer, Michael Buzzelli has been published in a variety of websites, magazines and newspapers. He is a theater and arts critic for 'Burgh Vivant,’ Pittsburgh's online cultural talk magazine. He is also a Moth Grand Slam storyteller and actor. His books, "Below Average Genius," a collection of essays culled from his weekly humor column in the Observer-Reporter, and his romantic comedy,  “All I Want for Christmas," are on sale at He is working on a LGBTQ romantic comedy called, “Why I Hate My Friends.” You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter. (He / Him / His)