
Hugh Lane Wellness Foundation Launches B.E.S.T.I.E.E. Project

The Hugh Lane Wellness Foundation announced that they have launched the Building Equitable Solutions to Improve Emotional Environments (B.E.S.T.I.E.E.) Project, a three-year project to support LGBTQIA+ youth.

B.E.S.T.I.E.E. will provide supportive strategies and solutions to address suicide, substance use, sexual health and overall wellbeing for LGBTQIA+ youth across Western Pennsylvania. They plan to collaborate with a variety of local and regional organizations along with project partners in Erie, Beaver, and Washington Counties.

“We are dedicated to creating inclusive and accessible mental health support for youth. One that decreases suicidal planning and action through social connectedness and meeting their physical, mental, and sexual health needs. As a community, it is imperative that we work together and help LGBTQIA+ youth build a life worth living” said Coley Alston, MPH, CPH Program Director at the Foundation.

For more information, you can contact the Foundation at 412-973-5053 or info@hughlane.org.

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