
Stonewall Sports Kickball Fall Season Cancelled

Yesterday, the leadership of Stonewall Sports Pittsburgh announced the cancellation of the Fall 2020 Kickball season with the following statement:

We hope everyone is staying safe! We’ve gotten your messages, we’ve seen your posts: your voices haven’t gone unheard!

The board has been working together and sharing ideas to envision what a safe and fun kickball season would look like. We’ve stayed in contact with community members, health officials, the city and county, and we’ve kept up-to-speed with what is going on with COVID-19 at all levels.

Safety has always been our number one priority, and with this in mind, we have decided to NOT move forward with the fall kickball 2020 season. This decision was not made lightly, but it was made in the best interest of the community. We really gave it our all, and this was not the outcome we’d hoped for. But know that WE WILL COME BACK, and when we do, we are going to KICK THE HOUSE DOWN!

In the meantime, we are still actively looking for a Player Experience Personnel and Two Head Umpires for the SKP leadership board. These positions are incredibly valuable to help run the league, and allow folks the chance to help shape the 2021 kickball seasons and beyond.. If you believe you can help us on our journey, please nominate yourself using the link below:


We hope everyone stays safe out there. We miss you all dearly and hope we can have our kickball Sundays back as soon as it’s safe!
Thank you!
SKP Leadership Board

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