
Make History Today

Jeff got into the Halloween spirit for the Fall & Winter edition of QBurgh. Photo by Chad Isaiah.

QBurgh just released its first Fall & Winter edition magazine! We are very excited to see QBurgh grow and be able to bring to you another chance to spotlight more of the wonderful people, events, and businesses that we call our Community. 

The month of October is LGBTQ History Month. Knowledge about our history is important. Please check out QBurgh’s efforts to preserve our past with our Q Archives. As we get through scanning a lot of our donated archives, we will have them available to everyone to read, enjoy, and learn about our local history.

National Coming Out Day is held annually on October 11th. When I mention and talk about National Coming Out Day, I am surprised by the number of people who really do not know the history and its importance to our civil rights movement. National Coming Out Day was founded in 1988 to mark the one-year anniversary of the previous year’s March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. The purpose of National Coming Out Day was simply to “come out” and identify yourself as a member of the Queer Community.  It was a simple grassroots movement of “you do know someone gay” and letting people know LGBTQ people are everywhere. I’m hoping that the days of people saying “I don’t know anyone LGBTQ” have ended. 

OH YEAH! How could I forget? October 11 was also QBurgh’s 3-year anniversary. It was intentional that we launched on National Coming Out Day. What better birth date to have? It’s been a great journey that has just begun. Thank you all for being a part of QBurgh. 

This month as we look back, we also need to look forward. Please realize that everything we do today affects what happens tomorrow. A lot of us here are “walking history” to that testament. What we do today does make a difference in our future.  A lot of tomorrows have been built on yesterdays and todays.  I urge everyone to think of what you can do today for tomorrow.  Don’t just read about history, make it.

Together in Pride,


Jeff Freedman (he/him) is a Pittsburgh native and is in his fourth decade of volunteerism for the LGBTQ Community.  Jeff is one of the founding members of the Steel City Softball League in 1981 and has been an active member of the LGBTQ Community ever since.  Jeff is currently a member of the Pennsylvania Governor’s Advisory Commission for LGBTQ Affairs.  He is a past Chair of the Pittsburgh Pride celebrations (’05-’07) and current Pittsburgh Pride March & Parade Co-Chair.  You would recognize him by his voice.  He was the loud one on the megaphone lining up all the March & Parade participants.  Jeff has a lot of great stories to tell and looks forward to sharing the printable ones with the QBurgh Community.