Chi Chi and Heisler Shine While Bigots Target Pittsburgh Drag Event

City Controller candidate Rachael Heisler rolls on with drag campaign event despite internet trolls best efforts.

Chi Chi de Vivre and Pittsburgh City Controller candidate Rachael Heisler. Photo by G Michael Beigay.

Novelist John Rechy wrote in the 1970’s, “To me, the drag queen is one of the main heroes (or heroines) of the gay world. The courage required for her merely to step out on the street in drag is perhaps a thousand times more than the courage that is required for any of the rest of us. She’s almost a sacrificial figure, absorbing the hatred that is leveled on us from other quarters.”

Sadly truer now.

“Donuts and Drag” was set for Sunday as a first fundraiser for Rachael Heisler’s campaign to be Pittsburgh City Controller. Organized by friends, the event would feature Chi Chi de Vivre, recently crowned Miss Steel City Softball, and donuts at Oliver’s Donuts in Lawrenceville. Chi Chi would perform holiday favorites for a family-friendly crowd.

Then the bigots and the internet trolls found out.

Notorious, right-wing internet account ‘Libs of TikTok’ shared details about the event to their 1.7 million bigot followers and the hate poured in. The usual language of “pedophilia”, “grooming”, and “shame on you” was thrown around by extremists and reported on by various “news” websites around the country.

Oliver’s Donuts began to receive threats and negative reviews. Chi Chi was harassed and threatened on their social media accounts.

Heisler and her team decided the show must go on, rightfully so, and changed the location of the fundraiser to a venue only announced to registered guests. Security was on hand in the event of any issues.

“The owners and followers of LibsofTikTok are vile bigots.  I spent the last five days hearing from brain-washed, right-wing radicals who tried to harass and intimidate me and my community.  Pittsburghers took notice of the veiled threats and name-calling — and rallied,” Heisler said.

Photos by G Michael Beigay.

Hosted by Jim DePoe, James Hill, Michael R. Komo, Brian Mendelssohn, and Erin Tobin the event went on to spread some holiday cheer and support Rachael Heisler’s campaign for Pittsburgh City Controller. Heisler currently serves as Deputy City Controller and is seeking to replace long-time City Controller Michael Lamb who announced he would not seek reelection this year and instead seek the office of Allegheny County Executive. The municipal primary election is May 16, 2023.

Note: No external references are linked from this story as to not further benefit the websites and accounts that purposely conflate the LGBTQ Community with pedophilia in order to spread hate.

Photos by G Michael Beigay.

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