
A gay church in Pittsburgh!

Since Sunday, June 24 the beginnings of a gay church has existed in the Pittsburgh area. The Universal Life Church of Celebration has been holding a gay worship service at 10:00 am Sunday mornings on Flagstaff Hill, Schenley Park. The service consists of prayer, hymns, a sermon and a coffee hour is held afterwards.

The church is in the process of incorporating and now has a charter. Although there have been no problems in holding services outdoors, the church is looking into the possibility of obtaining a permanent indoor home.

The Universal Life Church of Celebration is inter-denominational and has been founded by Rev. Randy Flynn and Rev. Don Martin. Rev. Flynn is affiliated with the American Congress of Churches and Rev. Martin with the Universal Life Church.

All gay people and friends in the area are welcome to join in the Gay Worship Service every Sunday, 10 am, Flagstaff Hill in Schenley Park.