
New Legislation allows LGBTQIA+ Businesses to Register with City of Pittsburgh’s Procurement Platform

Today, Pittsburgh City Councilperson Erika Strassburger and Councilman Bruce Kraus will introduce legislation allowing LGBTQIA+ businesses to specifically register with the City of Pittsburgh’s procurement platform. This will allow LGBTQIA+ businesses not only to self-identify, but to gain access to the full suite of business development and trainings that the City offers the Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE’s). Councilperson Strassburger partnered with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) as well as The Three Rivers Business Alliance (3RBA), Equal Opportunity Review Commission (EORC), and the Office of Equity to ensure that LGBTQIA+ Businesses are properly recognized, honored, and included within the City of Pittsburgh’s business community.   

“It has been my honor to work with the Three Rivers Business Alliance, the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor’s office as well as many other City departments and Commissions to put pen to paper and allow LGBTQIA+ business owners to more easily participate and do work with the City,” said Councilperson Strassburger. “This bill represents one more step in our march toward equity here in Pittsburgh. I’m hopeful this will help expand and grow our city’s LGBTQIA+ businesses that are already making a positive impact here.” 

In addition to opening up this new option for business owners, the City will now be able to track and collect data from LGBTQIA+ businesses, allowing the City to support these businesses through state and federal funding initiatives.

“Three Rivers Business Alliance (3RBA) thanks Pittsburgh City Councilpersons Erika Strassburger, Bruce Kraus, and the rest of the members of the Pittsburgh City Council for the opportunity they have created for LGBT business owners and professionals in the Pittsburgh region.  With this legislation, Pittsburgh joins the growing number of metropolitan areas which include NGLCC-certified LGBT Business Enterprises among the City’s pool of certified companies to ensure they have equitable access to contracting and procurement opportunities throughout the City,” said 3RBA’s President Ronald L. Hicks, Jr., of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP.”  

City code already recognizes Minority-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE), Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE), and Veteran-Owned Small Businesses. Now the City of Pittsburgh’s Code will include Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual Business Enterprise (LGBTBE). 

View the legislation below:


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