Gay Alternatives Pittsburgh first anniversary dinner and dance

On Friday, March 16 at 6 P.M., GAP will sponsor its First Anniversary Dinner and Dance to celebrate one year in existence. It will be held at the First Unitarian Church, Ellsworth and Morewood Avenues in Shadyside. Tickets for the affair, costing $3.00 per person, are available through GAP members or by calling 243-1783. Reservations must be received by March 10, 1973.

The dinner, featuring N.Y. Strip Steak, will begin at 6 P.M. GAPs’ history, from the beginning to the present and future plans will be presented. A surprise guest speaker will also be featured. Tickets for the dance only, which will begin at 9 P.M., are available at the door for a donation of $1.00.

LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanias are under attack from one of the most aggressively anti-trans bills we’ve seen: Senate Bill 213 (SB213), introduced by far-right Senator Doug Mastriano. What the bill does and what to do right now, link in bio. ...

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“When Democrats ignore the persecution and scapegoating of transgender people, when they ignore the inhumane treatment of migrants, what they are doing is normalizing it. Their silence is essentially saying to the majority of the country, “This is not such a big deal.” And to the people directly affected they’re saying, “You’re on your own.”” Full article link in bio. ...

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