Come join us at Poetry Lounge for a night of fun and creativity! Get ready to dive into the world of shipping and explore your favorite fictional couples. Share your OTPs, debate with fellow shippers, and maybe even discover a new pairing that steals your heart. Don’t miss out on this chance to geek out!
Sign ups for those competing will start at 7pm but spots will be limited. Plan on sharing no more than 10 minutes of your fic. Too shy to read but want to share? Your hosts, Sara Bellum and Indigo Sparks, will take turns reading for those not up for it.
No CNC or minor content for this event!
Have questions? Shoot them over and we’ll do it best!
Want to add something fun to the prize bundles for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd??? Let us know! We’d love to reward their talent thoroughly!
Not a writer? Come grab a smut bingo sheet and play along!