let’s talk about this girl GeGe right here shall we? let’s talk about how her birthday is this Friday, Sept 20. let’s talk about how we’re gon need every person within a fitty mile radius who calls GeGe (@thee_real_ge) a friend or has simply enjoyed her presence as mostbeautifullest’s party host and a frequent and loyal supporter of a million other mf’ers to pull tf up to COBRA for this litty-ass bday party.
on the decks are GeGe’s fave DJs: Based Grace (@basedgrvce), Madam Trio (@madame_trio), & HUNY XO (@hunyrocks), and trust when I say we’re about to go hard. she has literally given us each songs she wants to hear so she can be fully in her bag. let’s talk about what a ki it is to watch GeGe throw her tiddies and ass in a circle and how you should not miss that at all.
swipe for some of my favorite moments with this batshit crazy, loyal, stubborn, thoughtful, hilarious, loud, statuesque, and beautiful girl ❤️🔥
10pm-2am. VIRGO SZN in full effect. we love you, GeGe! 🎈