Dreams of Hope’s theatriQ has done it again! An ensemble of queer and Trans young people has created a brand-new production from start to finish. This is the chance to celebrate the outcome.
The process theatriQ uses, called “devising” or “collaborative creation,” has been in place for over two decades. This approach differs significantly from traditional theater, where actors receive a script and work with a director to develop characters and block movements. Instead, theatriQ rehearsals begin without a script. The young people create every aspect of the show together.
Over several months, the ensemble gathers weekly with teaching artists to develop the story they want to tell. Embracing the uncertainty of the outcome, they allow ideas to evolve organically, with the heart of the show gradually revealing itself. The result is an authentic representation of queer expression. The power of the arts is ready to be experienced through Dreams of Hope’s theatriQ.
Friday, April 25, 2025
Saturday, April 26, 2025
2:00pm & 7:00pm
Sunday, April 27, 2025
KST’s Alloy Studios
5530 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA
Pay What Moves You: $10 – $40