SZR Club Night is for the romantics *and* the freak nasties on Saturday, Feb 8. That’s one week before Valentine’s Day—plenty time to meet someone, fall head ovuh heels, and U-haul, sapphics! ✂️🫦
Your resident lezbo lovergirls will be makin it hot, as per usual: HUNY XO (@hunyrocks) got the soundtrack, Ivy (@venusinconverse_) & Mo (@go.go.m0_) got the dancefloor + $2 shots + 2 very erotic performances. 👅
Our day-one drank slanger Kayla (@kaylalukitsch) will be debuting her brand new SZR cocktail *and* we’ll also be welcoming 2 new hotties to the bar staff. It’s giving growth 💋
9pm-2am at P Town Bar. $10 all night. Come be our Valentine and fall in lust on the dancefloor… 💦