We all march for different reasons, but we march for the same cause: to defend our rights and our future. This march is for women, femmes, and their allies from all races, backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, religions, abilities, and parts of the world. In order to show solidarity with women around the globe, we are marching all over the United States together to show how powerful we can be when we come together.
If you believe that decisions about your body should remain yours, that books belong in libraries, not on bonfires, that healthcare is a right, not a privilege for the wealthy; if you believe in the power of free speech and protest to sustain democracy; or if you want an economy that works for the people who power it—then this march is for you.
The People’s March is about one thing: our power.
It’s a bold demonstration of the resilience of resistance:
This is our moment to remind Washington elites — and Americans everywhere — where the power truly lives: with the people.
Let’s make it count.
Pending the acquisition of permits/ policing limits, we will gather/ 0ccupy the courthouse with speakerphones, signs, banners, and each other at 2:00 on January 18th. We will start with a demonstration and have 1-2 speakers in this location. Then at some point, we will march, taking to the streets with our strength in numbers, down Grant St, to where it intersects with Liberty St., to which we will take back to the Courthouse. To include those with disabilities throughout the entire event, we can maintain a small unit based at the courthouse at all times while those who choose to march the loop described above can do so. During the march, we will stop at various places to include everyone in the area in the conversation about our demands during the next 4 years.
In Solidarity,