[Content note: This event description and the event itself include some discussion of fasting, as this Shabbat takes place at the end of a Jewish fast day.]
If there’s one thing we know about our history, we know that ritual and resistance go hand in hand. Join us on Friday, 10 January for our monthly Ratzon Anti-zionist Minyan (RAZM) Shabbat gathering. Because this Shabbat falls at the end of Asarah B’Tevet, our service will explore themes of memory, mourning, and spirituality in the context of both the holiday and our current moment.
Asarah B’Tevet is traditionally a fast day that ends at sundown. Since we’ll be gathering after sundown, we’ll eat a post-services potluck meal together as usual. Whether or not fasting in any form is part of your Asarah B’Tevet spiritual practice, we welcome you to join us to break bread! And when we address the concept of “fasting” in our service, we aim to define it broadly, center bodily autonomy, and challenge ableism and fatphobia.
If you have any questions about the holiday, the service, or anything else, please reach out! We want you there and want to do whatever we can to make everyone as comfortable as possible.
Friday, January 10 // 7-9:30 pm (doors at 6:30pm)
RSVP for location — link in bio.
Accessibility: RAZM has moved indoors for November through March. Our indoor spot is spacious and wheelchair accessible. We’ll have HEPA filters running inside and we may have some doors open, weather permitting. We ask that everyone wear a high-quality mask (N95, KN95, KF94) when not eating and we’ll have some extras. If you’re sick, test positive for COVID, and/or have had close contact (ex. a housemate) with someone with COVID, please sit this one out. We’ll see you next time!
We’ll have notecards and pens for people to label their potluck dish ingredients and allergens.
Potluck and rides: The week of the event, we’ll send out a spreadsheet where you can sign up to bring something to the potluck, request a ride, or offer a ride. Feel free to email ratzonpgh@gmail.com if you have any questions or access needs.